Senior Adults

Senior adults are the fastest growing age group in America, and this makes them a vital part of the ministry at NSBC! They serve in many areas with great enthusiasm and with a heart of love, caring and serving others in Bible Study with children, youth, or adults, or serving in one of the many ministries to the church and to the community such as visiting members and friends that are homebound, working with special needs children, or making hats for newborn babies all over the country.

Senior adults enjoy spending time together in Sunday School fellowships, their monthly Evergreen Club meeting where guest speakers share their hobbies, vocational work, interesting life experiences, the history of local interests, and many other bits of information that are educational, and going on trips to places such as the State Fair of Texas, the Ross Perot Museum of Nature and Science, the U.S. Bureau of Engraving, The Kimbrell Art Museum, and the Dallas World Aquarium are just to name a few places that we have visited.

Senior adults at NSBC serve the Lord, enjoy life, enjoy being together, and invite you to be a part of a group that does not know a stranger but makes all who come feel a sense of belonging!